Android Training
Android gaining popularity over other mobile phone operating system, especially the low cost hardware, and our expert trainers, would help you to start making apps on your own.
- OOPs Concepts
- Inheritance in detail
- Exception handling
- Packages & interfaces
- JVM & .jar file extension
- Multi threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)
- Basic Overview
- Overview of Android and Android SDK
- Android Architecture
- Activities & Tasks
- Linux kernel
- Libraries
- Android Runtime
- Application framework
- Setup of Android Development Environment
- Android Studio and SDK installation
- Creating first Android application
- Project Structure
- Manifest.xml file
- Android Application Fundamentals
- Android Layouts and Widget
- Activating components
- Life Cycle of Activity
- Accessing Web Data
- Styles and themes
- System Dialogs
- Handling user events
- Grouping of Resources Best Practices
- SQL Lite Overview
- SQL Lite Helper Class and basics
- Creating and accessing database
- Json Parsing
- XML Parsing
- Integrate third party library
- Line Chart, Bar Chart
- Image Loading
- Media Playback ( Audio / Video )
- Graphics Best practices
- Debugging Methods
- Intent and filters
- Using implicit / explicit intents
- Content provider mime types
JAVA Concepts
Introduction to Android
Introduction to OS layers
System requirements & Project Creation
Android application building blocks
Sql DB
Graphics And Related
Our Upcomming Batches - Professionals Android Training
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